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WiFi for the Masses : January 2008 : THE Journal by Charlene O’Hanlon

Welcome to the homepage of Keith Simmons. I am an Information Technology professional focusing on Education (4-12th grade, adults), Web Design, Digital Art, and Wireless Technology. For more information, check out my resume. The Digital Ripple project encompassed two summers in which we built wireless networks for the community with students from Rochester, NY. I then managed the Interactive Collaboration Environments Laboratory at RIT. As of March 2008, I am the Technology Manager for the Intel Computer Clubhouse Network at the Museum of Science in Boston, MA.

Art for Everyone Logo The Rochester Digital Ripple Project is the most expansive project I've completed. I co-developed a 360 page curriculum for teaching wireless, networking, vector illustration, web design, art, and more to youth in grades 7-12. We executed phase one through the City of Rochester and the Rochester After School Academy between July 5th and August 16th, 2006. Phase two was funded by Art Peace and made possible by donations from the Rochester After School Academy. Art for Everyone developed the RDR and other curricula and includes Robyn Neill, Eric Grace, and myself.

My creative skillset includes:   web page layout and design (xhtml, html, css, javascript), 3D & 2D media design design (blender 3d, adobe illustrator, photoshop, macromedia director and flash, quicktime), traditional and panoramic photography, audio/music processing and editing, animation programming in (javascript, lingo, and python), and creating educational materials.

And my complementary technical skillset includes:   teaching, designing custom wireless mesh networks, server side web programming (php, sql databases, perl/cgi, java), object oriented software design, technical writing, multiplatform scripting, computer security, system and network administration, multiplatform networking, and server installation/configuration.

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All Art and Code Copyright © 2006-2024 Keith Simmons.
Viewed on Tuesday the 22nd of October 2024 at 12:59:34 AM