I teach computers, information technology, and digital arts to students in grades 4-6, grades 7-12, college students, and adults.

The Rochester Digital Ripple Project - a program I developed with two art teachers to educate high school youths in wireless technology, computers, and art by constructing a wireless mesh-node network. The project was executed between July 5th, 2006 and August 15th, 2006.
Project Highlights:
- Project was featured on the local news stations, RIT University News, and in the papers.
- Students built a free municipal wireless network that serves about one square mile.
- Developed a 340 page cirriculum with two RCSD teachers.
In the News:
- <http://www.rit.edu/~930www/NewsEvents/2006/Aug01/photos.html> (bottom of page)
- <http://www.rit.edu/~930www/webnews/viewstory.php3?id=2021>
- <http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060808/NEWS01/608080331>

International Digital Art Tennis - an international program I developed with three art teachers to educate 4th-6th graders in digital art. The program was executed in the spring of 2006.
Project Highlights:
- Programmed an interactive website to facilitate international image exchange.
- Students created several images representing peace.

Corning Tropel Payroll System - I provided training to adults for a company-wide time-tracking system I developed.
Project Highlights:
- Held several training sessions and provided support
- Designed and Implemented a web interface to an existing MS Access Database
- Used PHP with CSS and XHTML
All Art and Code Copyright © 2006-2025 Keith Simmons.
Viewed on Sunday the 09th of February 2025 at 09:06:50 AM